MAK received the highest award (Primaniyarta award) in 2016, 2017 and 2019

  19 Desember 2024

Primaniyarta: The Highest Recognition for Indonesian Exporters

Primaniyarta is the highest award given by the Indonesian Government to exporters deemed most outstanding in the field of exports, serving as role models for other exporters. This prestigious award is organized annually by the Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of National Export Development (Ditjen PEN).

Since 2014, the Primaniyarta Awards have been categorized into four groups:

  1. Outstanding Exporter Category
  2. Global Brand Development Exporter Category
  3. Superior Potential Exporter Category
  4. Pioneer Market Exporter Category

The evaluation of these categories is based on criteria such as the ability to increase exports, diversify products and markets, and implement strategies to address challenges during crises and heightened competition. Additionally, compliance with credit, taxation, customs, labor, environmental preservation, and social responsibility standards are also assessed.

PT Mega Andalan Kalasan’s Achievement

PT Mega Andalan Kalasan proudly won the highest Primaniyarta award in the Pioneer Market Exporter Category in 2016, 2017, and 2019. This remarkable achievement underscores the company’s commitment to excellence and innovation in expanding into new markets, solidifying its reputation as an exemplary exporter.

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