MAK EXPORT CEREMONY (MEC): Shipment of MAK Products to 5 Countries and Inauguration of the Export-Oriented Production (EOP) Plant

  11 Desember 2024

PT Mega Andalan Kalasan: Global Export Milestone and Inauguration of Export-Oriented Production Plant

Since 2005, PT Mega Andalan Kalasan (PT MAK) has entered the global market and has successfully exported to more than 40 countries, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand. The company’s top five export destinations are Japan, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), France, Myanmar, and Tanzania.

Export to Japan and EOP Plant Inauguration

PT MAK began exporting to Japan in 2013, achieving a total export volume of 547 containers, equivalent to 49,289 homecare beds, with a cumulative export value of USD 10 million over five years. To meet the growing demand from Japan, PT MAK has established a dedicated Export Oriented Production (EOP) Plant, with a capacity of 10 containers per week or 500 containers per year, valued at approximately USD 10 million. This target was projected for achievement by 2020.

Today, the EOP Plant was officially inaugurated by the Indonesian Minister of Health. The event also included the ceremonial dispatch of exports to five countries: Japan, Tanzania, Australia, Myanmar, and the Philippines.

Recognition and Awards

PT MAK’s export achievements have been recognized with consecutive Primaniyarta Indonesia Export Awards in 2016 and 2017, under the category Pioneer to the New Market, awarded by the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia.

Continuous Improvement for Sustainable Growth

The company attributes its export success to continuous improvement (CI) efforts that enhance QCD values—quality, cost competitiveness, and on-time delivery. These principles have become PT MAK’s cornerstone in ensuring customer satisfaction.

To ensure product quality, PT MAK conducts testing at its KAN-certified laboratory and adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), supported by the implementation of the Management Information System (MIS) or Industry 4.0 standards since 2013.

Quality assurance is further reinforced through compliance with standards such as CPAKB, ISO 9001, ISO 13485, and IEC 60601-2-52, along with international certifications like CE and FDA.

Mega Andalan Teknopark (MAT): A Vision for Industrial Growth

The entire event took place at Mega Andalan Teknopark (MAT), an industrial ecosystem developed by PT MAK. MAT aims to foster industrial growth as a key economic driver, particularly in Sleman and the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). It is envisioned that the success of MAT will serve as a role model for equitable economic development in other regions across Indonesia.

Inspired by China’s industrial movement over the past three decades, PT MAK hopes to catalyze a nationwide movement towards industrial-based economic development.

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